ATO Portals TAP & BP Portal on a Mac (OSX Mountain Lion and 10.8)

***SPECIAL NOTE: This will only work with the SAFARI browser, it may work in firefox but I have not tested it. It WILL NOT work in Chrome****

If you work in an accounting firm you will probably unfortunately have to use the ATO’s incredibly flakey Tax Agent Portal and Business Portal.

If you are moving from a windows computer to a mac you will need to copy your AUSKey from your existing system to the new Mac.

To do this goto your AUSKey directory:


In this directory there is a file called keystore.xml copy it to a USB device.

Now, that you have got the key store file saved you need to install the Auskey software and Java.

AUSKey for mac can be downloaded here:

Download and install the software.

Now that AUSKey is installed on the Mac, you will now have to plug your USB Key into your mac to copy the keystore.xml file to the AUSKey folder on the mac.

The AUSKey folder is stored in Library\Application Support\AUSKey

To open your library folder, open finder then click “Go” in the menu bar then press alt (option) this will bring up the shortcut for library.

Once in the library open Application Support folder, then open AUSKey folder.

Now drag and drop the keystore.xml file from your flash drive (or wherever you stashed it) to the AUSKey folder.

At this point you have the files that are required for accessing the portals set up but now you will need to install Java and edit it slightly:

Please refer to the first post here for the instructions on how to correctly install Java and the Java patch – However DO NOT try to access the portal like it says at the bottom.

Prior to accessing the portal goto:

One of two things will happen – you will either get a nice little java logo displayed or you will get text that says “Inactive Plugin” – if you see the Java logo go ahead and you should be able to access the portal (providing that the ATO have not broken it themselves).

If you see the text that says Inactive Plugin simply click the Inactive Plugin text and it should activate Java – run any of the applications and allow anything that pops up related to Java until you can see a Java logo where Inactive Plugin was.


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