Run Multiple Instagram Accounts – Android

We have been asked this quite a few times only to find out that Instagram does not really support it but there is a couple of options:

1. Download an alternative app for Instagram that will let you sign into your alternative account, the down side of this is there really isn’t any that are as simple and easy to use as Instagram

2. This is our preferred method, in Android 5.0 Lollipop user accounts is now available on smart phones as well as tablets. So we simply added another user, downloaded Instagram in that user account and then signed in to our alternative. It works very easily because if you want to use your second account – just swipe down the main menu and then tap the other account – you’ll then be able to open Instagram as the other user without having to log out/log in – Happy Days!

On the topic of Instagram, in July they released Layout (Android and iPhone) you no longer need to use InstaPic or similar to get those multiple frame shots – we’ve been using the Layout App and it works really well.

Unfortunately Google Play Services has Stopped Working Fix (CM12)

If like me you run CM12 custom roms you have probably seen this error pop up and read all the articles about clearing caches, uninstalling play store and then realised that none of it worked.

The only fix I’ve seen work is this:

Download to your phone. Then open root browser or another root file explorer and rename the file on your phone /system/lib/ to

Then, copy the new file you downloaded to /system/lib/

Thats it – the annoying error should disappear.

Thanks to @arter97 and @temasek for investigating and posting this fix.